Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tea for One

I found this adorable tea set for one
Since I am the only "girl" in my home and really the only one who drinks tea
I have been on the look out for a one cup tea set.
As soon as I saw this, I knew it was the one! Just "froophy" enough to let me feel delicate and feminine....but  large enough for a good "Cuppa".

So last night I had my "froophy" tea moment and indulged with a Chocolate Walnut Muffin.
It was a really nice moment of  Mommy Time :-)

and on a side stepson occasionally has begun asking for a cup of tea when I make it ;-)
Changing them slowly one by one (insert crazed mother laughter here).

Monday, March 19, 2012

A Fresh Start

Last weekend our little family went to SoCal to visit with my husbands family and watch the Blue Angel Air Show. While it was a great time all around, both our boys got sick. My little Mr was SO sick he barely watched the air show. I was constantly fighting the "sick" feeling with airborne and some medicine at night. The Hub's got hit with it so hard by Thursday. Our home has felt like a sick farm. Plus its been raining and dismal all week.

BUT I woke up this beautiful Monday morning with a new hope! LOL Most people hate Mondays. I get that. I used to work and knew that Monday meant back to the monetary drudge of life. Yet, now that I am a house Mommy.....I love the freshness that a Monday brings. The Newness of hopes....possibility of dreams beginning....or in this case, this crazy cold to leave my home!!! All my boys are feeling better and thank God, this time I survived the sinking ship.

So Hello Monday....this week I happily greet you :-)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lost in time....

Have you ever felt that way? Where it seems like you have lost a day during the week or the clock a skipped ahead a couple of hours? That is how February has felt to me because "Oh WoW!" look its March!
I am a mother to a 2 1/2 year old. I love him with every breath in my body. But "Lordy" can this child wear me out. Yes, he is a ball full of energy and love. However, its the shaping. molding, training or so it is called of a child that gets to me. Right now he is sick and its as if we have had a visit from his "evil twin". OK, OK, its not THAT bad but it sure is a bit harder than normal.
So I guess how I lose time is....I zone out when he is asleep. So for instance his nap becomes my mommy time. Catching up on FB or a movie. A little cleaning (not too loudly so as not to wake him) and having Bible/Prayer time. I am so thankful he still takes a nap!
When 3:30pm hits, I then go on double duty. My step-son is home from school=time to get the house ready for everybody to invade and dinner on the stove. Some nights I feel like I am on hyper drive. As soon as my toddler is in bed......I zone out again!
I guess I just really need to find time to write here more. Find a little bit more of who I am. What I need to change or challenge myself.  Like back in the day when I wrote in my little journal. I look back at it now and just laugh. It's so time to let go of  ......and to go forward.

I read this last night and it reminded me of "Who" still cares about me. Even when I feel lost in time. God has each moment of my life planned....I just need to stay focused on Him!

"The Lord will perfect that which concerns me;
Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever;
Do not forsake the works of Your hands." Psalm 138:8