Thursday, August 25, 2011


So here are a couple of things I have wanted to blog about. Things that make me smile.....

We have been in need of some new cushions for the couch and chairs in our living room. Last weekend my handsome hubby took me out to get some. I had had my eye on these certain ones at our local Home Goods. I LOVE that store. Every time I go, if I could,...I would leave with oodles of things! The pillows I had found have a flower on them. I loved them right away because I knew they would match my rocker.
My rocker is as old as me! Yep pretty "Vintage" LOL. It was given to my mother when I was born from my grandmother. My Momma sat in it to rock me to sleep when I was a "wee" one. (I can't believe I was ever "wee") So when God blessed me with my little bundle of ALL boy. I asked my parents for the rocker. It now sits in my living room. The new pillows really accent and bring all my furniture together. If you know the name of this flower let me know! (Chrysanthemum?)

 My second thing to make me smile is this:

As I have mentioned before, we live in an apartment. Not much space for anything. We have a nice little patio and this year I was determined to grow something! So splurged a little and bought a Topsy Turvy (you know the as seen on TV thingies) and a tomato plant. Its kinda funny actually but growing up I HATED tomato's. In the last couple of years I have grown to like them. I put them in just about anything now for added flavor. (See children you do grow up and like that icky food) 
So my little plant is sprouting! I have 3 tomato's growing! So excited :-) My little bundle of ALL boy has claimed the largest one as his. He will stand on a chair and say "Tha baby's ptmato!" I have promised him that as soon as it's ready he gets the first bite. 

I have a feeling he "isn't" going to like it LOL ...but I am really happy to be growing something and sharing it with him. He is a ball full of energy and laughter. We have lots of fun and little adventures together. (Like right now he is pouring water from his cup on my ottoman as I am trying to type this...time to go!)

Will keep you posted on our "First" Apartment Tomato!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

TEA-otally Excited!

 A couple of nights ago, a beautiful friend at church came up to me and gave me a gift. She was so excited watching me open it. Over and over again she would say, "becareful!", "Its expensive!" I have to say this was making me nervous and worried....what if I didn't like it?!?!?
 Finally open, I was floored to find she had bought an antique teapot. She had found it at a thrift store. The reason she was so excited was....It was Wedgwood! She new how I love Wedgwood and HOW expensive it can be. I turned the pot over and found this inscription;

 "Replica of the Wesley-Wedgwood Teapot. The original in Wesley's House, City Road, London, England. Made by Josiah Wedgwood 1761. Reproduced by Josiah Wedgwood and Sons Ltd. Etruria, England 1908. For Mrs. Anna Onstott Princeton, Indiana, USA." 

I was so excited when I read this. First  because it was copied from John Wesley's teapot...who was the earthly hero of my English Grandfather. My Grandfather was a devoted UPC minister in the UK. Helping to found a few churches and bringing it to what it is today. He passed away in 2008 and his funeral was held in the Methodist church in Bilston, England where John Wesley had preached. My grandfather had actually preached there too. My friend had no idea about this or that this teapot would hold these memories for me. 

Inscribed on either side of the teapot are prayers that John Wesley would have his ministers say every day:

We thank thee Lord for this our food
But more because of Jesus blood
Let manna to our Souls be given
The bread of Life sent down from Heaven

Be present at our Table Lord
Be here and everywhere ador'd
These creatures blefs & grant that we
May feast in Paradice with thee

 When I got home that night I began researching everything I could find on the internet about the teapot. It has a very neat little history. I will put up a couple of links for you to see. My teapot is not from 1908. I was able to decipher it's code. It is from 1970. Just over forty years old. There are a limited amount made. My friend was so right. This was not a cheap gift. I think she paid about $20 for it but after researching I found they sell for over $100.

I feel so blessed that she gave it to me. She was tempted to keep it LOL! I don't blame her. However, this little teapot is a special treasure to me. Not only because of its meanings...but because she gave it to me out of love.
The Bible teaches us to be friendly if we want to have friends. My life is blessed with some really great ones!

I now need to convince my husband I need a Curio Cabinet for Christmas ;-)

Here are the links of its history that I promised:

Wesley teapot History
Anna Onstott

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Living in a Shoe box

You know the Nursery Ryhme....

                     There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.
                    She had so many children, she didn't know what to do;
                    She gave them some broth without any bread;
                    Then whipped them all soundly and put them to bed.

    Well I am hardly "Old" and don't have multiple children that I "Whip" .....but I "DO" feel like my home is probably the shoebox to her old shoe!
    We live in an apartment. While it is much bigger than some.........I still don't like how you can turn once and be standing in 3 rooms at the same time. Its a dining-live-kitchen room!
   A year ago we were hit by the downturn of the economy. I am a stay at home mom, so these walls are what I pretty much stare at every day.  I would want to redecorate because of all the tempting magazines or home make overs I'd see. But with out the just can't make bread! (like my little joke? Hey the old woman didn't have bread either!) I began to move things around. Clean out cupboards. Just simply get rid of things I was hanging on to for just the right moment to use. Seriously....when do those right moments really come? I really changed my outlook from what I wanted.... to what I just needed..
One of the "places" I started to redo was my fireplace. Our apartments don't encourage you to paint walls. Plus I am never sure when it is time to renew our lease, if we will be staying. (3yrs and still counting LOL) So I haven't braved the painting part yet. But.....I wanted to add color to my fire place and symmetry. So I began to look at what I had to use and re-purpose. Then I began to hunt for a mirror. I looked every were but everything I wanted was over $50!! (remember not much dough here) One Sunday afternoon, we decided to eat at our favorite Vietnamese restaurant. Its next to a Good Will. (Yay!) God Bless my hubby because he allowed me to drag him in after. There tucked in a corner was a beautiful, Old, Heavy, mirror!!!! Its was $14!! Exactly what I had been searching for. It had been waiting for me very patiently.  When we got home it went up right away. 

   So right now my proud point is my fireplace. I love how it turned out. I love how I used things that have meaning. Things that are antique-ish yet classy. I look at it and see..."Yay I did it! I do have some creativity!"
I look at it and see a lesson learned.

There is still things for me to "Change"..........but I love my little Shoebox/Home.