Friday, April 13, 2012


So this has been a crazy and tough week for me. Let me just say that as a mother when you even let your mind tell you "my child will never do that!"......just kick yourself in the hiney right now!  My son is a complete Angel, but he has definitely entered the "terrible toddler" stage. While I am appreciative of others who understand, there have been a few moments lately were I just want to sink into the floor. Dragging my Angel with me. I will get there eventually and yes for those who keep asking me....I do and still want another one!
Then I got into a verbal fight discussion with our new upstairs neighbor. (which I was a massive mess of tears after)Never experienced that before. But on the bright side it was worth it. Her Angels are now not running a marathon or wrestling above our heads. We still can hear them but it is so much better than before! My husband told me that my bravery paid off! LOL So we will see how it goes. Apartment life!
So thankful for family and friends to talk to during this time. Sometimes it feels like your the only one facing these battles.