Monday, January 7, 2013

A New Year and trying AGAIN!

Better late than never right? Ha! As I look at this little blog and see HOW long it's been, all I can say is......Sorry!

I really don't have life changing news or words of Wisdom for the New Year. My life is still the same. Just busier with a teen and a toddler. I think of this little blog often and what I could write....then I get shy...and figure...Who wants to read it anyway right? LOL

But like I said earlier...Here I am trying again.

I am feeling the desperate need to clean, de-clutter, donate, organize, My whole apartment again! I think it's a little bit of the New Year bug that flares up in me. New beginnings, new starts....or just the fact once I take down all the Christmas Deco, I see how messy my place is! Its amazing how it feels even bigger once the Christmas tree is down. I have so many ideas and plans BUT I am trying to not over spend this year. (Our goals to be more debt free are still in the works!) So I am starting simple...closet's first! It always surprises me what gets stuffed and forgotten in the closet. We have 5 I am going to work my way through. I wish I could say I could take one a day and have it done by the weekend.....Come on lets be logical here.....I have 3 men I must take care of ! Those crazy time zappers! Teehheee I love them each to pieces. Even when they wear me out.

So anyone else feeling the need to clean? Where are you starting first?

Blessings and Good luck in this New Year!